In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘MEDICAL’ be rearranged so that the vowels never come together?
Total number of letters in the word ‘MEDICAL’ = 7 The word MEDICAL consists of 7 letters in which E, I and A are three vowels. We get MDCL (EIA) keeping EIA together as single entity. Number of ways the letters can be formed when vowels are together = 5! × 3! = 720 Required number of arrangements when vowels are never together = 7! - 720 = 5040 – 720 = 4320
Person with independent or unorthodox views
What is the synonym for the word "avarice"?
In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
Find the appropriate answer.
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word .
Select the correct noun from the verb RECOGNISE.
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the bold word.
The new Principal of the school is stern , yet he understands the needs of his subordinate...
What is the antonym of the word "inimical"?
My neighbour’s son is very mischievous and always getting in everyone’s hair.