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The word “AIRSTRIKE’’ contains 9 letters with 4 vowels, (A, 2I, 2R, S, T, K, E)
If vowels comes together, then 4 vowels will behave as a single entity, so, remaining 5 consonants and this entity, a total of 6 letters will arrange themselves in 6! Ways, and 4 vowels will arrange themselves in
(4!/2!) Ways, as there are 2I,
So, total number of ways of arranging letters of the word ‘“AIRSTRIKE’’ such that all the vowels always come together = (6!/2!) × (4!/2!) = 360 × 12 = 4320
Under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, security for good behaviour from the persons disseminating seditious matters can be demanded by:-
Powers of SEBI can be classified as?
Definition of secondary evidence has been given under _________ of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872?
What are the various classes of Authorities under the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002?
All agreements are not contract if it is_______.
“Promotion of International peace and security” is a
What is the punishment for false evidence under Companies Act 2013 ?
When is the approval of the Central Government not required to conduct, inquiry or investigation as per the provisions of the Delhi Special Police Estab...
During re-examination of a witness:
As laid down under the Companies Act, 2013 _______________ shall not be used by the company for any purpose other than repayment of deposits