
    Two vessels 'A' and 'B' contains 480 litres, each of

    pure milk and pure water, respectively. 120 litres of milk is withdrawn from vessel 'A' and poured in vessel 'B'. Again, 120 litres of mixture is poured from vessel 'B' to vessel 'A'. Find the ratio of quantity of milk remaining in vessel 'A' to quantity of water remaining in vessel 'B'.
    A 1:2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 2:1 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 1:1 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 3:1 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E 1:3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Quantity of milk remaining in vessel 'A' after 120 litres of milk is withdrawn = 480 - 120 = 360 litres Ratio of quantity of milk to that of water in vessel 'B' after 120 litres from vessel 'A' is mixed with it = 120:480 = 1:4 So, quantity of water remaining in vessel 'B' after 120 litres of mixture is withdrawn = 480 - {120 X (4/5)} = 384 litres And, quantity of milk in vessel 'A' after 120 litres of mixture is added = 360 + {120 X (1/5)} = 384 litres So, required ratio = 384:384 = 1:1

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