The correct answer is B
In which year was the profit as percentage of income is the highest?
Total number of bags sold by all the shops on Monday is approximately what percent of total number of bags sold by all the shops on Wednesday.
If in shop E, 20% of the laptops got damaged and remained unsold, then find the number of laptops sold by the same shop.
If the ratio of number of wallets sold by store D on Monday and Friday is 7:13 respectively, then find the number of wallets sold by D on Friday.
What is the average number of Bikes manufactured by companies Hero, Bajaj and TVS?
Find the average number of platinum tickets sold in theatre B and D, if total number of tickets available in theatre B and D are 250 and 300 respectively.
If the number of Lenovo laptops sold on May is 14(2/7)% of the number of DELL laptops sold on April month, then find the ratio of the number of Lenovo l...
‘p’ is how much percent more than that of ‘t’?
Find average number of employees in department B in all the given three years.
Find the difference between the number of school uniform sold by Q and S on all the three days.