Statement I: The difference between the total central angle formed by A and F and the total central angle formed by C and D is 32.4 degrees. The central angle formed by A and F = (36/100) × 360 = 129.6 The central angle formed by C and D = (27/100) × 360 = 97.2 Difference = 129.6 - 97.2 = 32.4 Statement II: If the total number of cars sold in B, C, and E is 12650, then the total number of cars sold in these 6 countries is 23000. Total percentage of B, C and E = 55% of total = 12650 Then, total = 12650 × (100/55) = 23,000 ∴ From above both statements are true.
सदस्यों को छूट दर पर लागत प्रकाशन वितरित किया जाता है।
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