The chance that Nikhil can solve a certain problem is1/7, the chance that Tarun can solve it is3/5. Find the probability that the problem is solved if they both try.
Probability that Nikhil can solve a problem = 1/7 Probability that Nikhil cannot solve a problem = 6/7 Probability that Tarun can solve a problem = 3/5 Probability that Tarun cannot solve a problem = 2/5 The probability that the problem will not be solved:- ⇒ (6 )/7×(2 )/5 = 12/35 ∴ The probability that the problem is solved: = 1 – 12/35 = 23/35
घोड़ा (1)/ चलता (2)/ तेज़ (3) / है (4)
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