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Total cost of the laptop = 25000 × (116/100) = Rs. 29000 Amount paid by B = 29000 × (125/100) = Rs. 36250
As per the Contract Act what is the liability of person to whom money is paid, or thing delivered, by mistake or under coercion?
Which of the following statement regarding Chapter-VIII of The Transfer of Property Act. 1882 relating to 'Of transfers of actionable claims', is incorr...
Contingent contracts to do or not to do anything if an uncertain future event does not happen can be enforced__________________
Impeaching credit of witness is covered under which section of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872?
Service of summons on a male member of defendant’s family is________.
Which principle has been discussed in the case of M.S.M Sharma Vs. Shri Krishna Sinha 1960.
Photocopies of a document made from the original are
According to Section 56 of the Indian Contract Act, which of the following statements accurately reflects the treatment of agreements to perform impossi...
The Article of a company may be altered by _____________
The principle covered under S.115 of Indian Evidence Act is?