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Let CP = 100 and MP = 160 SP = 160 × (100 – x)/100 SP = (8/5) × (100 – x) SP = 160 - 8x/5 According to question, => (160 – 8x/5) × 100/112 = 100 => (160 – 8x/5) = 112 => x = 30% Now, => SP = (130/100) × 120 => SP = Rs. 156 Alternate method: => +60 – x – (60x/100) = +12 => -160x/100 = - 48 => x = 30% Now, => SP = (130/100) × 120 => SP = Rs. 156
Which one of the following crop is otherwise known as Kenaf?
Which one of the following is an example of impulsive buying?
A minor irrigation project covers an area of
Which is the scientific method that measures soil moisture by sending an electromagnetic pulse along a probe inserted into the soil?
Cannibalism in poultry is often due to the deficiency of which nutrient?
Soil structure refers to:
Under DAY NRLM, what is the limit of collateral free loan for SHGs?
Which of the following is NOT a cooperative related to Agribusiness?
When there is crossing over between centromere and gene under consideration, the segregation of that gene takes place during:
Homestead agroforestry is a sustainable land-use system that integrates trees, crops, and livestock within the same plot of land around a homestead or h...