Axe and Wye purchases the Bikes at same price and later on Zed purchase both the bikes at the same price of Rs. 72000. But the profit % of Axe was A% while profit % of Wye was B% since Wye calculate his profit on SP, if Zed sells one of the Bike to Pee at A% profit. What is the cost price for Pee if B=`41(2)/(3) %` A?
Let the Cost Price for Axe and Wye be x SP for both Axe and Wye = 72000 CP for Zed = 72000 (1 Bike) Profit for Axe = A% Profit for Wye = B% = 125/3% A = A ×125/(3 ×100) = A × 5/12 Now, the amount of profit for Axe and Wye is same Therefore, x × A/100 = 72000 × A × 5/12 ×1/100 x = 30000 Cost price for Axe and Wye is 30000 For Axe : CP = 30000 SP = 72000 Profit = 72000 – 30000 = 42000 Profit % for Axe = 42000/30000 × 100 = 140% For Zed : CP = 72000 Profit = 72000 × 140% = 100800 SP = 100800 + 72000 = 172800 Therefore, Cost price for Pee = 172800
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