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Interest earned by C = 23958 - 18000 = Rs. 5958 Cost Price of Items = Rs.5958 Marked Price of item = 5958 + (5958 × (1/9))= Rs.6620 Discount on item = 6620 × (1/4)=1655 Selling Price of the item = 6620-1655 = Rs. 4965 Loss = 5958 - 4965= Rs. 993 Loss% = (993/5958) × 100 = 16(2/3)%
A class of Echinoderms that has Pinnules is:
Which herbicide is also a hormone:
The Ranikhet disease affects:
In which crop and year was the first All India Co-ordinated Research Project set up in India with the assistance of Rockefeller Foundation of the USA?
Which of the following weed is total root parasite?
Beneficial elements of plant are:
A. Sodium
B. Vanadium
C. Selenium
D. Cobalt
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Which one of the following is the delta of crop if the duty of water for a base period of 120 days is equal to 1200 ha.?
Which form of DNA helix is predominantly present in cell?
Ratio of Evapotranspiration to potential evapotranspiration is known as ………………
The absolute density of soil is also referred to as __________________ which is generally 2.60-2.75 gm/cmᶾ