
    A dealer buys three different fruits A, B & C at the rate of Rs. 50, Rs. 40 and Rs. x per kg respectively. The quantity (by weight) of B bought by him is 25% more than A and 25% less than C. He in total gets 10% profit by selling the A and B and 20% loss by selling the C. Overall, he has no gain no loss in selling the whole quantity. What was the price of fruit C per kg? (Rs/kg)

    A 25 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 40 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 30 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 15 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E 50 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Let the quantity of A be 100y kg. Quantity of B=100y×125/100=125y Quantity of C=125y×100/75=500/3 y  Quantity ratio of A, B & C respectively=12y:15y:20y Now, Total CP = 12y × (50+15y) × (40 + 20y) × x=1200y + 20xy Total SP=1200y × (110/100) + 20xy × (80/100) = 1320y+16xy ATQ, 1200y + 20xy = 1320y + 16xy x=30

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