
    The cost price of two watches 'X' and 'Y' is Rs. 18,000 and Rs. 25,000 respectively. The shopkeeper marked up the prices of watch 'X' and 'Y' by 50% and 70% respectively. Watch 'X' is sold after allowing a discount of 20% while watch 'Y' is sold at a profit of 25%.

    Which of the following statement(s) is/are false according to the given data?

    (I) Selling price of watch 'X' is Rs. 21,600.

    (II) Discount offered on buying watch 'Y' is 20%.

    (III) Profit earned on selling watch 'Y' is more than that on selling watch 'X'.

    A Both I and III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only I Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only I and II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All of I, II and III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, Marked price of watch 'X' = 150% of 18,000 = (1.5) x 18,000 = Rs. 27,000 Selling price of watch 'X' = 80% of 27,000 = (0.8) x 27,000 = Rs. 21,600 Profit earned on watch 'X' = Rs. 21,600 - Rs. 18,000 = Rs. 3,600 Marked price of watch 'Y' = 170% of 25,000 = (1.7) x 25,000 = Rs. 42,500 Selling price of watch 'Y' = 125% of 25,000 = (1.25) x 25,000 = Rs. 31,250 Discount offered on watch 'Y' = (11,250/42,500) x 100 = 26.47% Statement (I) is true. Statement (II) is false (the discount is 26.47%, not 20%). Statement (III) is true (Rs. 6,250 profit on watch 'Y' is more than Rs. 3,600 on watch 'X'). Hence, Both I and III is true

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