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Let the marked price = 100x Cost price = 70x Selling price = 150% of 70x = 105x Profit = 105x – 70x = 35x 840 = 35x x = 24 marked price = 100x = 100×24 = 2400
In Res judicata, “Former suit” is?
What is the enactment date of Contract Act, 1872?
What is the time period for which there is a bar on the future employment of members as per the IRDA Act, 1999?
If an employee works on any day on which he was employed for a period less than the requisite number of hours constituting a normal working day, he shal...
In which of the following cases did the court held that the Karnataka Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prohibition of Transfer of Certain Lands...
Which of the following is a new type of company which was introduced by the Companies Act, 2013?
Which section of the Indian Contract Act deals with the provisions relating to a suit by bailor or bailee against wrong-doer?
In which case the difference between invitation to offer and offer has been laid down___________________
A contract with a minor is _________
An appeal shall lie from the following orders (and from no others) to the Court authorised by law to hear appeals from original decrees of the Court pas...