Given, selling price of each cow = Rs. 45,000 So, profit on the cow which is sold at 12.5% profit = 45000 X (1/9) = Rs. 5,000 So, loss on the cow which is sold at 16(2/3)% = 45000 X (1/5) = Rs. 9,000 Therefore, overall loss = 9,000 - 5,000 = Rs. 4,000
What is the code of ‘ always mumbai ’?
If SHOES is coded as RCRJT, then how CHAIR can be coded?
In a certain language, if JUICE is written as 8 and POCKET is written as 44, then how will DEAR be written in that language?
What will be the sum of the consonants of the word” RIVER”?
In a certain code language, 'tim pac' means 'red colour', 'pit it tim' means 'red and black' and 'nac pit' means 'yellow black'. Which word in that lang...
What is the code for “proposed”?
In a certain code language, ‘GARDENS’ is coded as ‘3 6 7 9 16 20 21’. How will ‘TEACHER’ be coded in that language?
What is the code for ‘Life’?
A certain code language, ‘PEN’ is written as ‘102’. How will ‘NAME’ be written in that language?
If 'share sky day' is coded as 'tm, ps, jl' then what may be the code for 'human current captures' in the given code language?