I. 2y2 – 19y + 35 = 0 2y2 – 5y – 14 y + 35 = 0 y (2 y – 5) – 7(2 y – 5) = 0 (2 y – 5)(y – 7) = 0 y = 7, 5/2 II. 4x2 – 16x + 15 = 0 4x2 – 6x – 10 x + 15 = 0 2 x(2 x – 3) – 5(2 x – 3) = 0 (2 x – 3)(2x – 5 )=0 x = 5/2, 3/2 Hence, x ≤ y Alternate Method: if signs of quadratic equation is - ve and +ve respectively then the roots of equation will be +ve and +ve. So, roots of first equation = y = 7, 5/2 So, roots of second equation = x = 5/2, 3/2 After comparing we can conclude that x ≤ y.
Statements :All blues are whites.
Some whites are reds.
All yellows are reds.
Conclusions :I. Some reds are whites.
II. Some yellows are whites.
Each Local is Town.
Some Towns are State.
No Town is Village.
I: No Local is Village.
II: Some State are Locals.
Statements :No number is a symbol.
No symbol is a letter.
No letter is a draft.
Conclusions :I. No number is draft.
II. Some...
Some pens are erasers.
Only a few erasers are sharpeners.
All sharpeners are copies.
I. Some p...
Some Young are Youth.
All Youth are Teenage.
A few Teenage are Adult.
I. Some Young are not Teenage.
II. Some Youth are Adult.
What is the shortest distance between S and U?
Some buckets are mugs.
Some mugs are tubs.
All tubs are plastics.
No plastics is a white.
Conclusion: <...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Only a few Jeans is Shirt.
No Shirt is Pant.
Few Pant is Skirt.
I. Few Skirt is no...
Statements: All schools are colleges.
No college is a institute.
Conclusions: I. Some colleges are not institutes.
II. Some schoo...