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The correct answer is A
Orphan drugs are used to treat which kind of diseases?
Who is the author of the book “Indira Gandhi – A life in nature”?
Name the country which recently granted citizenship to Wikileak founder Jullian Assange:
The term ‘red herring’ is associated with –
हाल ही में प्रसिद्ध कलाकार गिरिजा देवी का निधन हुआ है , वे क...
Who is the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
Where did the Singh Sabha Movement originate?
Which state in India observes the festival of ‘Sital Sasthi’ celebrating the marriage of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati?
What is the maximum limit of starred questions that can be asked in the Lok Sabha on any given day?
Hanoi serves as the capital city of which Southeast Asian country?