Ketan is father of Mehul’s brother. How is Ketan related to Mehul?
‘R+S’ means ‘R is the daughter of S’. ‘R−S’ means ‘R is the husband of S’.‘R × S’ means ‘R is the brother of S’. If ‘B × C...
If “J#K^P%R#O”, then How O is related to J?
U is mother of B, who is brother of D. G is married to T and the couple has only two children. A is brother-in-law of C, who is unmarried and daughter ...
Pointing to a photograph of Pankaj, Tarun said. "The mother of his sister is the wife of my wife's father". How is Tarun related to Pankaj?
Who among the following person is the son of A?
How is O related to A?
How I related to F?
How many male members are there in the family?
Which of the following is definitely true?