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240.11% of 145.09 – 169.912% of 159.89 + 13.12 × √402 =? 240% of 145 – 170% of 160 + 13*20 = ? 348 - 272 + 260=? ? = 336
Facts of which the Court will take judicial notice
The subject matter of theft as per IPC can be _______________
The main principles which underline the law of evidence are
A duplicate certificate of shares may be issued, if such certificate
As per section 48 of the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 which are the classes of Authorities under the Act?
Period of limitation is not applicable in a suit against:
Provisions relating to Co-operative societies in the Constitution are?
As per section 6 of the Central Vigilance Commission Act what action can the President take in the case of a Central Vigilance Commissioner or Vigilance...
Right to lodge caveat has been provided in which Section of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
Copies made from original by mechanical process are?