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ATQ, {84.03 + 39.99 – (168.12 ÷ 6.95 – 17.03 × 7.91)} = ? {84 + 40 – (168 ÷ 7 – 17 × 8)} ~ ? {124 – (24 – 136)} ~ ? 236 ~ ?
Which of the following statements are true in regards to ILO?
Which leader is called the 'father' of India's social reform movement?
What is the maximum amount of deduction an employer can make from an employee's wages under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936?
The average age of A, B and C is 28 years, while the average age of B, A and D is 24 years. If the ratio of the age of C and D is 5:3, respectively, the...
The selling price of the book is 40% more than the selling price of the bag and the selling price of the bottle is 20% less than the selling price of th...
Who has topped the category of large states in the recently released India Justice Report 2022?
Consider the following statements:
1. The Indian Parliament is not sovereign, and the legislation passed by it is subject to judicial review.
Which one of the following is the first book in which the transactions of a business unit are recorded ?
Consider the following pairs:Â
      King             Dynasty
Can an employee nominate more than one person as a beneficiary for the gratuity amount under the Payment of gratuity Act 1972?Â