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WORM (Write Once Read Many) is a storage technology that allows data to be written only once and prevents any further modifications. This is useful for maintaining records that need to be preserved in their original form, ensuring data integrity and protection against tampering.
What is the premium rate for rabi crops under PMFBY
A bacteriophage genome integrated into the circular bacterial chromosome is known as
Which of the following correctly defines the "RotoDynamic Pumps"
Once incorporated into the plant genome, the gene product, CP4 EPSP synthase, confers crop resistance to
The deteriorative changes originating from within the food system is referred as:
What is CRISPR-Cas9 used for in biotechnology?
Which scientific research institution is established to provide
vocational training to farmer and field level extension workers?
Liquefaction of starch to dextrin is carried out by
The protein deficiency disease is known as
_____ is used for seeding warm clouds.