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ATQ, Quantity I: f(a)=3×3×3 - 3×(3)2 + 3×3 - 4 when a = 3, Or, f(a) = 5 Quantity II: f(a)=(-2.5)3 -3(-2.5)2 + 3×(-2.5) - 4 = -45.875 when a = -2.5 Quantity III: So, f(a)=(1.5)3 -3×(1.5)2 + 3×(1.5) - 4 = -2.875 So, Quantity I > Quantity II < Quantity III
In a certain code language, 'RELATIONS is written as 'TSRONLIEA', and 'NUMBER' is written as 'URNMEB'.
How will 'SPECULATION' be written in that language?
Read the directions carefully and answer the question based on them.
Rohit is looking for his brother. He started from a point and went 110 m t...
If G > T, H < R, R < T, H = M, M > N, then which of the following conclusions will not be correct?
Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word. (The words must be considered as me...
Select the letter-cluster that will replace the question mark (?) in the given series and make it logically complete.
No cup is a plate.
All plates are cutleries.
No cutlery is a spoon.
I. Some cutleries ...
Town C is to the south of Town A. Town D is to the west of town A. Town B is to the east of town D. Town E is to the south of town B and south-east of T...
J is the daughter of K. K and L are sisters. M is the mother of L, and N is the father of M. How is N related to K?
In a certain code language, 'PAGES' is coded as 192', 'ABOVE' is coded as "180". What is the code for 'PRIOR' in that code language?