
    Each question given below contains a statement followed by quantity I and quantity II. Find both to find the relationship among them. Mark your answer according  1) Quantity I > Quantity II 2) Quantity I >=  Quantity II 3) Quantity I< Quantity II 4) Quantity I < = Quantity II 5) Quantity I = Quantity II or No relation can be established

    Quantity I: The price of rice is decreased by 30%, by

    how much % the consumption is increase so that the expenditure will decreased by 10%? Quantity II: A man spends Rs. 45,600 out of his income 68,400. If his income and expenditure are increased by 19% and 13%. Find the percentage change in his savings.
    A 1) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 2) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 3) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 4) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E 5) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Quantity I: Let expenditure = 100 Price = 70  New expenditure = 90 Required % = (90-70)/70 × 100 = 28(4/7) %

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