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Number of females in village ‘B’ = 10/9 × 900 = 1000 Number of females in village ‘A’ = 1000/1.25 = 800 Number of males in village ‘A’ = 2/5 × 800 = 320 Desired difference = 800 – 320 = 580
'Chandrabhaga fair' is organised in which one of the following districts of Rajasthan?
______ has been appointed as the Attorney General (AG) of India by President Droupadi Murmu, in October 2022.
Rabindranath Tagore Beach is the main beach in Karwar town, 50 km between Goa.
10% of 5 and 5% of 10 add upto
In a plant, the anther contains:
Who imposed a tax named “Gharai”?
What is the primary function of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)?
Which of the following city of Gujrat 145th annual Rath Yatra festival of Lord Jagannath has started?
World's longest beach is found in
Which of the following is NOT a Fundamental Duty in the Indian Constitution?