malefemale 23:24 Increase=(23×120)/100:24×130)/100 23:26. Ratio =23:26.
A textbook has a total of 892 pages. It is divided into two parts. The second part of the book has 52 pages less than the first part. How many pages ar...
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation, if ‘−’ is interchanged with ‘×’ and ‘÷’ is interchanged with...
A factory has three belt conveyors fitted in its loading station. Conveyors 'A' and 'B' operating simultaneously lift all the goods in the same time du...
Which Constitutional Amendment of the Indian Constitution gave constitutional status to urban local bodies ?
Consider the following statements:
What does the term "average pay for the daily paid worker" stand for according to the "Industrial Disputes Act 1947"?
Consider the following statements:
(1) The Constitution of Parliament is given in Article 79.
(2) Article 98 talks about the Secretariat...
With reference to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), select the correct statement from the option given below:
Who was the prime minister of India during the LPG reforms?
A and B invested Rs.5000 and Rs.7000 in a business respectively and after 5 months B withdrawn 50% of his initial investment and again after 5 months he...