
    In 2018, the ratio of males to females in a club was

    6:7. By 2019, the number of males had decreased by 10%, while the number of females had increased by 20%. If the difference between the number of males in 2018 and the number of females in 2019 was 48, determine the total number of members (males and females combined) in the club in 2019.
    A 216 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 160 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 276 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 260 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E 188 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Let the number of males and number of females in 2018 be '60a' and '70a', respectively. So, number of males in 2019 = '60a' X 0.9 = '54a' Or, number of females in 2019 = '70a' X 1.2 = '84a' ATQ, (84a - 60a) = 48 Or, 24a = 48 So, 'a' = 2 Therefore, required number of people = (54a + 84a) = '138a' = 138 X 2 = 276

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