ATQ, Let shares of ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ be Rs. ‘x’, Rs. ‘y’ and Rs. ‘z’, respectively. So, (x/4) = (y/5) = (z/6) So, ratio of share of ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ = 4:5:6 Sum of the parts = 4+5+6 = 15 So, share of ‘Chintu’ = (6/15) × 18000 = Rs.7200
Which of the following country opens its first campus in GIFT City?
Determine the cash flow from operating activities during the year based on the following: Cash flow from investing activities: 105,000 Cash flow from fi...
Which of the following is NOT a criterion for determining the FSWM status of a UCB?
Under the revised framework for Commercial Papers (CPs), what is the requirement for settlement of primary issuance of CPs in terms of time?
Ninety- percent of Zen company limited total sales of 6,00,000 is on credit. If the year end receivables turnover is 5, the average collection period (b...
Under which of the following schemes, the UCBs can provide finance directly to the slum dwellers?
Which of the following is nonverbal communication?
What is the loan amount in the education sector for studying abroad that is included in the Priority Sector by the RBI?
Under the RBI’s guidelines for import of gold by Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) holders, how many days of advance payment are allowed for Qualified Jewellers...
In the context of company finances, there is a specific portion of the company's capital that is reserved and can only be called up under particular cir...