2 + 7 = 9 9 + 10 = 19 19 + 13 = 32 32 + 16 = 48 48 + 19 = 67 67 + 22 = 89
Who among the following is the mother of R?
How is E related to H?
Q is the daughter of A. P is the wife of A. Q has two children S and T. S is the son of R. M is the brother of Q. T is the sister of S. How is M related...
If E does not have any Granddaughter, then how many female members are there in the family?
Pointing to a girl Abhay said, she is my father-in-law's wife's only daughter's daughter.
How is that girl related to Abhay?
Who is the son of U?
How N is related to O?
Which of the following statements is true?
...Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group. Find the one who doesn’t belong to that gro...
Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
In a family of six members, B has two children, and he is the son of A, who ...