30 + 9 × 1 = 39 39 + 9 × 3 = 66 66 + 9 × 5 = 111 111 + 9 × 7 = 174 174 + 9 × 9 = 255
In a certain code language, ‘yn fd sd’ means ‘when oil is’, ‘sd nk yb’ means ‘poured oil tension’, ‘fd ts nk’ means ‘when decrease...
If book is called notebook, notebook is called pencil, pencil is called dictionary and dictionary is called pen, what we use for reading?
In a certain code language, 'tim pac' means 'red colour', 'pit it tim' means 'red and black' and 'nac pit' means 'yellow black'. Which word in that lang...
In a certain code language, if ‘HOLD’ is written as !@*% and ‘MORE’ is written as $@+ ©, then what is the code for ' DOOR' ?
...What is the code of ‘pure’?
What is the code for ‘Learning’?
In a certain code, NUMERAL, is written as MMURELA. How is ' PROJECT' written in that code?
In a code language, ‘certificate of appreciation’ is coded as ‘412’. ‘appreciation future ahead’ is coded as ‘829’ and ‘ahead success...
If 4 < 5 > 8 = a then find the value of 25 $ a % 35
In a certain code language, ‘ MONTH ’ is written as ‘ 43297 ’ and ‘ LOST ’ is written as ‘ 5319 ’. What will be the code for ‘ SMOOTH ...