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800 × 0.5 = 400 400 × 1.5 = 600 600 × 2.5 = 1500 1500 × 3.5 = 5250 5250 × 4.5 = 23625
The annual rate of growth of GDP has been the lowest in which Five Year Plan?
Consider the following statements about government securities and derivatives:
(I) Government Securities are risk-free gilt-edged instruments....
Philips Curve is a graphic curve advocating a relationship between which factors?
Which type of market includes transactions in the stock exchange and the gilt-edged market?
Which committee did the RBI establish to discuss Capital Account Convertibility?
In which year was the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act enacted?
What is the proposed new base year for GDP calculation as suggested by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)?
Which organization publishes the 'World Economic Outlook'?
National Income is the
Which of the following is true regarding GDP?
i. In calculating GDP only final marketable goods and services are considered
ii. GDP c...