112 162 199 225 242 252 +50 +37 +26 +17 +10 -13 -11 -9 -7
To prevent erosion in hills
In Munshell colour chart hue 10 represents as ______
Large tractors have ……………….. hp power
World Vegetable Centre previously known as Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre is located at
In which year the National Food Security Act was passed?
Brown rust of wheat is caused by
Fruit and shoot borer is an important pest of;
Which species of honey bee is known as the Indian bee?
What is the maximum limit of loan amount to be sanctioned under the PMMY?
A stone of mass 16 kg is attached to a string 144 m long and it is whirled in a horizontal circle. The maximum tension in the string can withstand is 16...