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72+ 1 = 50 82- 2 = 62 92+ 3 = 84 102- 4 = 96 112+ 5 = 126 122- 6 =138
What type of banking transaction allows customers to earn interest on their deposited funds and provides easy access to their money for daily expenses?
The Companies Act 2013, contains ________.
The reasons for employee turnover in an organization can be classified under 3 heads:
(a) Personal causes, (b) Unavoidable causes and (c) Avoidab...
In whose favour is the Doctrine of Indoor Management?
An auditor cannot audit a firm if his/her relative is indebted to the company in excess of ______
Which report will be submitted by an auditor, if he is dissatisfied regarding the facts and information?
Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 applies to every establishment which is a factory engaged in any industry specified in ...
Application for cancellation of registration shall be submitted electronically in Form ______.
Which section deals with TDS on cash withdrawals?
Section 64VA(1) of the Insurance Act specifies a criteria related to sufficiency of assets that every insurer and re-insurer should at all times maintai...