In a multiple regression model, the Durbin-Watson test statistic is 1.3, while the critical lower and upper values are 1.5 and 1.7 respectively. This im...
Consider a closed economy wherein
C = 0.8 Yd , t = 0.25 , I = 900 – 50i , G = 800, L = 0.25 Y – 62.5i , M/P = 500
Where in Yd = Di...
Suppose your data produces the regression result y = 10 +3x. Scale y by multiplying observations by 0.9 and do not scale x. The new intercept and slope ...
The foreign capital investment in India on the eve of independence concentrated on the following sectors of the economy
(i) railways
Suppose that a firm has the cost function for a plant as given below
C(w, r, q) = 0.5q(w+r)
where q is output, w is the cost of labour l a...
The regression equation is Y = β1X1i + ui and following is the sample,
During the first stage of a total product curve, the total product is
Balance of Trade is measured as:
In case of Cob web Model, Perpetual Oscillation is witnessed when
Calculate the value of VIF in case of Multicollinearity, if the Ri2(Coefficient of auxiliary regression on independent variables) is 0.60 and...