The pattern of the first line series is obtained as: × 2, × 4, × 2, × 4, × 2 Therefore, the second line series can be completed on the basis of the same pattern as: 4, a = 4 × 2, b = 8 × 4, c = 32 × 2, d = 64 × 4 Hence, the value of d is 256
If there is provision for only one irrigation, then at which stage in wheat the farmer should irrigate the crop?
Calculate the volume of pendimethalin (30% EC) for 8000 m² wheat field, if application rate is 1 kg a.i./ha.
Plant hormone of nucleotide origin
Tulip and Pea flowers are
The division of nucleus is known as:
The systematic is the study of:
Select the pair which is wrongly matched in given options.
Which of following mechanisms does not promotes cross pollination:
The time of discharge of eggs from the Graffian follicles (Ovulation) in cow is about ___ hours after the end of 18 hours estrus.
Canola is a group of plants belonging to: