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Let P = 25 units and Simple Interest = 8 units T = R/2 SI = (P × R × T)/100 => 8 = (25 × R × R)/(100 × 2) => R = 8%
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the ...
Read the sentence to find out whether there is any part with grammatical error in it.
Although to our knowledge (1)/there exists no empir...
Spot the grammatical errors in the given sentence. Mark the part with error as your answer. If there is no error, mark "No error" as the answer. (Ignor...
It proves year after year (a) / that when it comes into judging new writing (b) / we are on slippery ground (c) / No Error (d)
It is the facts that she did not exhaust all the procedural avenues before her that has left her open to charges that her ruling has a political ...
The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.
During an earthquake, / it is...
But on the road, the highroad along that the troops marched, (A)/there was no such freshness even at night or when the road passed (B)/through the fores...
In the following question, a sentence is given, divided into five parts. Part in bold is grammatically correct. Out of the other four parts, one part c...
The poor pay a disproportionate higher percent of their income towards out-of-pocket expenses than the rich.
He had lived (A)/in Palmyra (B)/a few years previous (C)/to me going there (D)/from Rochester (E).