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According to the question, => 2520 = 12000 x [(100 + x)/100]2 – 12000 => 14520 = 1.2 x (100 + x)2 => (100 + x)2 = 12100 => x = 110 – 100 => x = 10
Amazon allows 15% discount to his customers and still earn 19% profit. If the production cost of the product is increased by 12% therefore Amazon issued...
A shopkeeper sold an article after giving a discount of 25% and made a profit of Rs.75. Find the difference between the marked price and selling price o...
A dealer sold an article at a loss of 4%. Had he sold it for ₹120 more, he would have gained 8%. To gain 11%, he should sell the article for?
The ratio between the cost price of article A and B is 9:8 respectively. Each of the articles was marked 40% above its cost price. If the MRP of article...
A man spent 66% of his income in May. If his savings is increased by 20% in June and becomes Rs. 6120, then find the income of man in May.
A shopkeeper sold an article at a discount of 15%. If he had given a discount of 9.5% in place of 15%, then he would have earned Rs. 110 more. If the co...
An item is sold for Rs. 2,100 at a loss of 16%. If the same item is sold at a profit of 12%, what will be its selling price?
A retailer purchased several pants at a cost of Rs. 200 each and sold them for Rs. 300 per piece. He also incurred an average transportation expense of ...
A man bought an article at 25% less of the marked price and sold it at 15% more than the marked price. Find the profit earned by him.
...A product has a cost price of Rs. 480. It is marked up by 25% above its cost price and is sold after a discount of 15%. Calculate...