Let the amount invested at compound interest be Rs. 'y' and the amount invested at simple interest be Rs. '5x' So, amount invested at (92/3)% p.a. simple interest = 5x X 0.4 = Rs. '2x' And, amount invested at 20% p.a. simple interest = 5x X 0.6 = Rs. '3x' ATQ; [{2x X (92/3) X 3}/100] + {(3x X 20 X 3)/100} + [y X {(1.2)3 - 1}] = 109200 Or, (46x/25) + (9x/5) + (0.728y) = 109200 Or, (46x + 45x) + 0.728y X 25 = 109200 X 25 Or, 91x + 18.2y = 109200 X 25 Or, 5x + y = 6000 X 25 So, 5x + y = 150000 So, interest the man would've earned had he invested the whole amount at 40% simple interest = {(150000 X 40 X 3)/100} = Rs. 1,80,000 So required profit = 180000 - 109200 = Rs. 70,800
संविधान कि आठवींअनुसूची में कितनी भाषाएं हैं ?
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