ATQ, Let the principal of person 'A' = 'a' a × (15 + 5) × (2/100) – a × 15 × (2/100) = 540 a × (4/10) – a × (3/10) = 540 a/10 = 540 a = 5400 The principal of person 'A' = Rs.5400
E belongs to which department?
E lives on which of the following floor?
In which of the following banks does Z’s mother work and lives on which of the following floor?
How many persons are having costlier bike than R?
Read the direction carefully and answer the following question.
Six students A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in the field. A and B are from Neh...
What is the sum of ages of persons whose ages are multiple of 5?
How many boxes are kept between the boxes B and A?
If Box L is placed immediately below Box F, then which among following statement is true?
Who likes Black?
How many persons are going to office between M and P?