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Which of the following is the highest decision making body in the World Trade Organisation?
What is the significance of celebrating World Ozone Day on 16th September each year?
What are the four pillars used to assess the export preparedness of states and UTs in the Export Preparedness Index (EPI)?
As per RBI guidelines, ‘Bulk Deposit’ in the case of RRBs mean a Single Term Deposit of _______ and above.
National Dairy Research Institute is one of the premier institutes in the dairy sector, which has contributed a lot in the growth of the dairy industry ...
How many central bank governors have received an "A+" rating in the Global Finance Central Banker Report Cards 2023?
Consider the following statements regarding the DAY-NRLM scheme:
1. It aims to reduce rural poverty through the creation of sust...
Under Phase IV of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), how many rural habitations will be provided with all-weather connectivity?
The $170 million policy-based loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to India aims to:
In the National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCFSE), what does the term "rootedness in India" refer to?