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514.72 = ? – 172.03 ? = 514.72 + 172.03 ? = 686.75
In an examination the average marks of Rohit is 60. If he got 19 more marks in science and 26 more marks in maths then his average would have been 65. F...
In a school, the average number of books that some numbers of boys have is 120 and average number of books that some numbers of girls have is 85. If eac...
The average of ten positive numbers is calculated as 56. On observing, it was found that two numbers 64 and 32 are wrongly interpreted as 76 and 52, res...
The average age of 32 children and their teacher's age are 28 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 1. What is the teacher's age?
Average of 8 numbers is 25. If average of first four and last two numbers is 15 and 40, respectively then find the fifth number given that ratio of fift...
The average number of sweets distributed in a class of 25 students is 6. If ‘x’ number of students newly joined the class and the average becomes 5,...
In a cricket match the captain of one of a team scored 25 runs more than the average runs scored by the remaining 8 batsmen of that team who batted in t...
In an examination, the average marks obtained by the students is 40. After correcting the quantitative mistakes, the average of 50 students is reduced t...
The average age of a group of four children is 11 years. From the group, one child, whose age was 6 years more than the average age, left. Four new chil...
Average of 20 numbers is 90. Average of first 8 numbers is 114 while average of last nine numbers is 40. If ninth number is 25% less than the tenth numb...