756 + 432 – 361 + ? = 990 => ? = 990 - 827 => ? = 163
LCM and HCF of two numbers are respectively 3 and 18. If one of them is 9, find the other number.
The LCM of two numbers is 5 times their HCF. The sum of LCM and HCF is 180. If one of the numbers is 150, then the other number is
The HCF of 6453 and 7122 is 325, their LCM is:
The sum of two numbers is 156 and their HCF is 26. Find how many such pairs can be formed.
Find the least number which when divided separately by 15, 20, 35 and 45 leaves 3 as remainder in each case?
Two numbers are in the ratio 4:7. The product of their H.C.F. and L.C.M. is 5488. The sum of the numbers is:
HCF of two numbers 65 and 104 can be expressed in the form of (40m – 107) whereas LCM of these two numbers can be expressed in the form of (60n – 20...
Find the HCF of 36, 108, and 156.