72% of 486 – 64% of 261 = ? => ? = 349.92 - 167.04 => ? = 182.88
How many such pair(s) of letters are in the word “DISRUPTED” which has as many letters between them (both forward and backward) as in the English al...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘DETECTIVE’ which has as many letters between them (both forward and backward) in the word as in th...
How many such pair(s) of letters are in the word “PROTESTING” which has as many letters between them (both forward and backward) as in the English a...
If all the prime digits of the number 5396732845 are written first (in increasing order) followed by even digits(in increasing order) and then odd digit...
In relation to computer, what is ‘nibble’?
If all the digits of the number 6968977892 are arranged in increasing order, then sum of 5 th and 6 th digits (from the left end) of the number thus fo...
If all the alphabets of alphabetical series are numbered as 26-1 from A-Z then what is the sum of the numbers of letters of the word “ DARE ”?
...If each vowel of the word EFFORT is changed to the previous letter of the English alphabets and each consonant is changed to the next letter of...
In the given number ‘267453717’ if ‘2’ is added to each odd number and ‘1’ is subtracted to each even number then how many digits are not r...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word “SAMPLING” which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabetical series?...