33×5 - ?% of 250 = 62- 6 => 165 - ?% of 250 = 36 – 6 => 165 - ?% of 250 = 30 => ?% of 250 = 165 – 30 => ? = 13500/250 => ? = 54
Select the option in which the numbers are not related in the same way as are the number of the following set.
(520, 8, 56)
In a certain code, AMERICAN is written as COGTKECP, how is " ENGLAND" written in that code?
House: Rent :: Capital: ?
If ‘534’ = ‘50’, ‘758’ = ‘138’, ‘3156’ = ‘71, then ‘4738’ = ?
 In the word ‘DEVASTATE’ all consonants are written as their preceding letter and all vowels are written as their following letters. Now all letter...
Select the word pair in which the two words are related in the same way as the two words in the following word-pair. Â
Six : Hexagon
If 84 % 6 @ 5 = 9 and 132 % 11 @ 3 = 9, then 256 % 8 @ 17 = ?
If H = 8 and FUNDS = 64, then ELECTRIC =
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the given words in the order in which they appear in an English dictionary.
1. Memora...
Average age of a Father and his son Is 22 years. Ratio of their age is 10 : 1, what is the age of the son?