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ATQ, 182 + 10 × 12 – ? = 312 324 + 120 – 312 = ? ? = 132
What is the maximum fine for the illegal disclosure of confidential information under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) scheme was recently in news, consider the following statements with reference to PIDF:
1. It ai...
The World Economic Freedom Index report is published by which organization?
A nursing break can be given until the child attains the age of ___month under the maternity benefit act 1961.
Where is the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali in Najaf located?
T’s age is 3 times the age of D. 4 years ago, the ratio of T and D is 4:1. Find the age of P who is 5/3 of T’s age.
Study the given diagram carefully and answer the question. The numbers in different sections indicate the number of persons.
What is the maximum number of children that can be accommodated in a creche under the National Creche Scheme?
Assertion (A): Unity of command cannot always be strictly applied in practice.
Reason (R): Workers should report to different supervisors fo...
Which Indian has won the ”Ramon Magsaysay Award-2023”?