Train P starts from Lucknow to Dehradun at 11:55 am with an average speed of 45 m/s. Train Q starts from Dehradunto Lucknowat 1:35 pm with an average speed of 30 m/s. At what time the two trains will meet each other if the distance between Lucknowand Dehradunis 635 Km.
Speed of train P = 45 × 18/5 = 162 Km/h Speed of train Q = 30 × 18/5 = 108 Km/h Distance travelled by train P till 1:35 pm = 162 × 5/3 = 270 Km Relative speed of trains = 162 + 108 = 270 Km/h Remaining distance to be travelled after 1:35 pm = 635 – 270 = 365 Km Time taken to cover 365 Km = 365/270 = 4/3 = 1 hours 20 minutes So the two trains will meet each other at 1:35 + 1:20 = 2:55 pm
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