The correct answer is B
Which of the following is the sixth sentence of the passage?
The burden of fixed monthly charges and fuel cost adjustment will be born by state government.
Which of the following is the second sentence in the paragraph?
Revenue expenditure (P)/refers to the excess of government’s(Q)/ Revenue Deficit(R)/over revenue receipts(S).
Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?
The “near foreseeable future”(A) India has decided to not just continue with(B), but also double its trade with Moscow in(C),despite the United St...
Water and pesticides(P)/ requires large amounts of(Q) Sugarcane cultivation(R)/, which can have a negative impact on the environment(S).
Which should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
Which of the following is the fourth sentence of the passage?
Directions: In each of the following questions, a sentence is given with three words marked as (A), (B), and (C). These words may or may not be place...