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Let the length of train be x m. According to the question, => 54 x (5/18) = x/10 => x = 150 m Length of the platform = 150 x (11/5) = 330 m Required time = (150 + 330)/15 = 32 seconds
In sheep, what is the term used for the act of mating?
Bacillus thuringensis was reported by Berliner from____
How is thermal efficiency different in diesel and petrol engines?
In a vector having two or more target sites in a non essential portion of DNA for the cloning is known as ___
The feed of granular particle size produced from grinding of pelleted feeds is called as
Which of the following is correctly matched ?
What is the optimum temperature range for germination of wheat seed ?
Largest producer of Rice in the world is
Which of the following is a cultivar of custard apple?
Which river in the world holds the highest volume of water?