
    In a Drag race of 'm' metres, 'Amit' beats 'Binod' by

    'a' metres and 'Binod' beats 'Chintu' by 'b' metres. By how much distance (in metres) will 'Amit' beat 'Chintu', in the same race?
    A [(a + b) - (ab/m)] Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B [(a - b) - (ab/m)] Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C [(a + b) + (ab/m)] Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D [(a - b) + (ab/m)] Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E [(a × b) - (ab/m)] Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, we can say that Ratio of speeds of 'Amit' and 'Binod' is = m:(m - a) Ratio of speeds of 'Binod' and 'Chintu' = m:(m - b) So, ratio of speeds of 'Amit' and 'Chintu' = m2:(m - b) × (m - a) = m2: (m2- ma - mb + ab) So, distance covered by 'Chintu' in the time taken by 'Amit' to cover 'm' metres is = m - {m - (a +b) + (ab/m)} = [(a + b) - (ab/m)] 

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