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For A-
Speed 1 2
Time 2 1
Difference time =36+42=78min
ATQ- 1=78
Sudhansu takes time =156-36=120min = 2 hours.
Speed =130/2=65km/h
Sudhanshu take time =195/65=3hours.
Pointing towards a photograph Amit says, “He is the son of my grandfather’s only child, then how is he related to Amit?
Who is the husband of T?
If A + B means that 'B is the wife of A',
A – B means that 'A is the mother of B',
A × B means that 'A is ...
A and Z are siblings. B has two children and he is son of Y, who is father-in-law of C. C has only one son. Z is not granddaughter of Y. How is A relate...
How is B related to C?
If P + Q means ‘Q’ is the brother of ‘P’ P – Q means ‘P’ is the mother of ‘Q’ P × Q means ‘P’ is the father of ‘Q’ P ÷ Q mea...
In a family of seven persons, U is married to mother-in-law of T. T has two children. W is father of V and Y. Z is mother of S, who is aunt of V. If Y a...
How many female members are there in the family?
How is G related to I?
Pointing to a photograph, Kamayani said, "He is the son of my grandfather's only daughter." How is Kamayani related to the boy in the photograph?