
    A Policeman spotted a thief 30 meters ahead of him. The moment they both saw each other they started running in the same direction on the same track. The thief was running at 9m/sec and the policeman was chasing him at the speed of 12 m/sec. How much distance the policeman needs to cover to catch the thief.?  

    A 80 m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 110 m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 120 m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 90 m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Relative speed = 12 m/sec - 9 m/sec = 3 m/sec   Time to close the gap = 30 meter /3 m/sec = 10 seconds Distance covered by the policeman: 12 m/sec × 10 seconds = 120 meters The distance the policeman needs to cover = 120 meters.

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