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ATQ, Let the usual time be T hours. At 3/4 of its usual speed, the time taken is 4/3 T.
How many pairs of letters are there in the word “DESIGNER’ which has number of letters between them in the word to the number of letters bet...
How many persons are living between H and the one who goes to Indore?
If K and M interchanged their positions then how many seats are there between M and R?
When the digits, which are odd in the number ‘84376529’ are decreased by 2 and the remaining digits are increased by 1, then what is the sum of 5
Select the term that relates to the third term in the same way as the second term relates to the first term.
Close : Open :: Cut:
1. Walls
2. Floor
3. Roof
4. Room
5. Foundation
6. Window
यदि महीने का सातवाँ दिन षुक्रवार से तीन दिन पहले का है तो इ...
Only Apple are Banana.
Some Apples are Pears.
Only a few Papaya is Pear.
I. At least Some Pa...
Brother, Uncle, Father